local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shlexware/Rayfield/main/source'))() local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local module_enemies = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Enemies) local folder_enemies = game:GetService("Workspace").NPC local module_eggs = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Eggs) local enemies, enemiess, eggs = {}, {}, {} for enemyName, enemyData in pairs(module_enemies) do local location = enemyData.Location enemies[location] = enemies[location] or {} table.insert(enemies[location], enemyName) end for _, enemyNames in pairs(enemies) do for _, enemyName in ipairs(enemyNames) do table.insert(enemiess, enemyName) end end for eggName in pairs(module_eggs) do table.insert(eggs, eggName) end local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({ Name = "1234 | " .. game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name, LoadingTitle = "1234", LoadingSubtitle = "1234" }) local Main = Window:CreateTab("🚀 Main") local AutoStuff = Window:CreateTab("💦 AutoStuff") local AutoFarm1 = Main:CreateSection("AutoFarm [1]") local Enable_AutoFarm_Muscle, Enable_AutoFarm = false, false local farm_Muscle_toggle = Main:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoFarm Muscle", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "farm3", Callback = function(autofarm_muscle_boolean) Enable_AutoFarm_Muscle = autofarm_muscle_boolean end }) local farm_toggle = Main:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoFarm Enemy", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "farm2", Callback = function(autofarm_boolean) Enable_AutoFarm = autofarm_boolean end }) local selected_enemy = "None Selected" local farm_dropdown = Main:CreateDropdown({ Name = "Select Enemy", Options = enemiess, CurrentOption = selected_enemy, Flag = "Enemy_Dropdown", Callback = function(autofarm_dropdown) selected_enemy = autofarm_dropdown end }) local AutoFarm2 = Main:CreateSection("Auto [2]") local Enable_AutpPick = false local pickup_toggle = Main:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoPick Gems/Coins", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "pickup", Callback = function(pickup_toggle) Enable_AutpPick = pickup_toggle end }) local AutoStuff1 = AutoStuff:CreateSection("AutoHatch [1]") local Enable_AutoHatchX1, Enable_AutoHatchX3 = false, false local autohatchX1_toggle = AutoStuff:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoEggs 1x", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "autohatchX1", Callback = function(autohatchX1_toggle) Enable_AutoHatchX1 = autohatchX1_toggle end }) local autohatchX3_toggle = AutoStuff:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoEggs 3x", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "autohatchX3", Callback = function(autohatchX3_toggle) Enable_AutoHatchX3 = autohatchX3_toggle end }) local selected_egg = "None Selected" local egg_dropdown = AutoStuff:CreateDropdown({ Name = "Select Egg [STAY NEAR EGG]", Options = eggs, CurrentOption = selected_egg, Flag = "Egg_Dropdown", Callback = function(egg_callback) selected_egg = egg_callback end }) local function open_Egg(egg, mode) local modeStr = mode == 1 and "Single" or "Triple" game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Network.OpenEgg:InvokeServer(egg, modeStr) end local function Punch(enemy, id) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Network.Punch:FireServer(enemy, id) end local function autoHatch() while true do task.wait() if Enable_AutoHatchX1 or Enable_AutoHatchX3 then open_Egg(selected_egg, Enable_AutoHatchX1 and 1 or 3) end end end local function autoFarm() while true do task.wait() if Enable_AutoFarm_Muscle then if Enable_AutoFarm and not found_enemy then Punch("Bully", nil) else return end end if Enable_AutoFarm then found_enemy = false for _, v in pairs(folder_enemies:GetChildren()) do if selected_enemy == v.Name then for _, z in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild(z.Name) then repeat task.wait(.005) if not found_enemy then found_enemy = true local enemy_cframe = z.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = enemy_cframe * CFrame.new(1.5, 1, 2.7) end Punch(selected_enemy, z.Name) until not v:FindFirstChild(z.Name) found_enemy = false end end end end end end end local function autoPick() while true do task.wait() if Enable_AutpPick then local coins = game:GetService("Workspace").Interaction.Coins local gems = game:GetService("Workspace").Interaction.Gems for _, v in pairs(coins:GetChildren()) do v.CFrame = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame end end end end task.spawn(autoHatch) task.spawn(autoFarm) task.spawn(autoPick)